Here is a guide to
create a simple example project to flash an LED on the Arduino Uno. Once
this is working it is a small step to do something with the Game Pack
as a whole.
Create an empty project
First create a new AVR
- File → New → C++ Project
- Project name → FlashLED
- Project type → AVR Cross Target Application
- Toolchains → AVR-GCC Toolchain
- Next
- Next
- AVR Target Hardware Properties
The program we are
creating will be run on an Arduino Uno board. This uses an Atmega328P
micro controller which operates at 16MHz. Set the following config:
MCU Frequency → 16000000
We now have a blank
project set up to compile C++ code into hex code that will run on the Arduino Uno board.
Write some code
If you have previously
used one of the Arduino IDEs you will have referenced functions like
digitalWrite, pinMode etc. to control the components attached to
the board. We do not have access to these functions now (unless we
were to copy the code from the IDE into our project) so I have
written a simple set of classes to provide some basic functionality
to control components attached to the Arduino. You can download these
classes here.
(These classes only have very limited functionality as I only implemented what I needed at the time. Using the datasheet for the chip and the arduino schematic to map pins to registers you can extend the functionality as you want.)
(These classes only have very limited functionality as I only implemented what I needed at the time. Using the datasheet for the chip and the arduino schematic to map pins to registers you can extend the functionality as you want.)
The main class you will
interact with is ArduinoUno. This class has the following methods:
setDigitalPinMode -
sets a pin to either input or output mode.
digitalWrite - sends a
high or low signal to the specified pin.
digitalRead - reads a
high or low value from the specified pin.
analogueRead - reads
a value between 0-255 from an analogue input pin.
startSerial - starts
serial communications specifying the pin that will receive data and
the pin that will send data. This is useful later for the Game Pack
as we will send the button presses and joystick movement data over
serial to the TouchShield for processing.
sendSerialData - 2
versions to send a single character or character array over the
serial connection created in startSerial.
Copy the 3 folders into
your project directory and refresh the project in Eclipse so they
show up in the Project Explorer.
Create a new source
file in the root directory of the project called 'FlashLED.cpp'
Add the following
content to it to flash an LED on and off with an interval of 1 second
on pin number 13:
#include <util/delay.h>
#include "hardware/ArduinoUno.h"
using namespace hardware;
#define LED_PIN 13
ArduinoUno arduino;
int main() {
arduino.setDigitalPinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);
while (true) {
arduino.digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);
arduino.digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);
return 1;
Your project should now look something like:
Build the project
Ensure the FlashLED
project is selected in the Project Explorer and click the arrow next to
the hammer icon on the menu bar to select 'Release'. This build mode will generate
the hex output we will upload to the Arduino. Assuming the build goes
ok, the console output should end in 'Build Finished'.
Now we have our code
ready to upload to the Arduino, but we need to configure a few
settings first.
Configure the upload settings
Right click the
FlashLED project in the Project Explorer and select 'Properties'. Expand 'AVR' and click
on 'AVRDude'. This is the utility that will upload the code to the Arduino. Check here for more information about AVRDUDE.
- Under 'Programmer configuration' select 'New'
- Set Configuration name to 'Arduino Uno'
- Select 'Arduino' from the Programmer Hardware list
- Fill in 'Override default port' with the port ID you will be using.
- Click OK
- Select your new Arduino Uno configuration
- Click OK
Note: If you are unsure
which port ID to enter:
- Connect your Arduino to your computer with the USB cable
- In windows explorer right click 'Computer' and select 'Manage'
- Click on 'Device Manager'
- Expand 'Ports (COM & LPT)'
You should see
'Communications Port (XXX) listed here. The XXX will be the port ID (e.g. COM3).
You can confirm it is the one linked to your Arduino by unplugging
the cable and seeing it disappear.
Upload and run the program
Ok now we're good to
go. Unplug your Arduino from your Game Pack setup and connect an LED
(with an appropriate resistor) to pin 13 and then connect it to your
computer via the USB cable.
hardware setup for the FlashLED program |
In Eclipse select 'AVR'
from the top menu and 'Upload project to target device'. The console
output will show avrdude uploading the hex file to the arduino. The
LED on the board should now be flashing as the program executes.
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